HMRC has published a list of businesses that have not met their obligations under the Money Laundering Regulations. As a supervisor of the Money Laundering Regulations HMRC has a duty to publish details of businesses that have been penalised for not complying with the regulations. HMRC advises that it considers cases individually to decide whether to publish details in full, ...

Our Charity News includes useful guidance on reserves, risk including cyber breaches and the first digital code of practice. We also consider the impact of conflicts of interest, related parties and non-charitable connections and other pertinent issues giving you the inside track on the sector's current hot topics and latest guidance. Read our latest newsletter here: http://bi ...

HMRC has warned young people in the UK to 'stay vigilant' in order to avoid falling victim to 'Springtime' tax refund scams. Criminals often target young individuals or the elderly as these groups of people are likely to be less familiar with the UK tax system. During the months of April and May, criminals often bombard taxpayers with tax refund scams at the same time as genui ...

Ward Williams have a couple of exciting apprentice and general positions available to join Ward Williams Chartered Accountants & Ward Williams HR. Visit our Recruitment page or Apprentice page to view open positions. Current recruitment roles available: If there is no suitable position available but you would like to register your interest for future roles. Please email a ...

Ward Williams exhibited at The Property Investor & Homebuyer show on 12th-13th April 2019 at stand 72. The show is the UK's premier property expo that is the “MUST ATTEND” event for anyone serious about making money from property investment. The show was the ideal place for networking, obtaining reliable and up to date property market information and, of course, property ...