Updated 31 March 2020 Ward Williams have set out below the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions that have come our way to date. It is not advice in itself. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for employees - quick questions answered PDF Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme the detail PDF Should you require specific advice on any question or require letter templates please do ...

Updated 30 March 2020 The telephone number for HMRC’s coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline has changed to 0800 024 1222. Opening times: Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm Due to measures put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) HMRC have fewer advisers available to answer calls. A Webchat is also available. Advisers can only talk about problems paying  taxes due to ...



Updated 26 March 2020 HMRC will use data on 2018-19 returns already submitted to identify those eligible and will risk assess any late returns filed before the 23 April 2020 deadline in the usual way. Please note that this scheme does not cover individuals who pay themselves a salary and dividends through their own company. HMRC has stated that these individuals may however b ...

Updated 27 March 2020 It has been announced by the government, that commercial tenants who are unable to pay their rent because of Coronavirus will be protected from eviction. Many landlords and tenants are already having conversations and reaching voluntary arrangements about rental payments. The government recognises businesses are struggling with their cash flow due to Cor ...

Phishing is the fraudulent act of emailing a person to get their personal or financial information. These emails often include a link to a bogus website encouraging you to enter your personal details. If you are unsure if you have received a bogus email or text from the HMRC. Please follow the link for a current list of digital and other contact issued from HMRC. ...

Updated 26 March 2020 HMRC have issued further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme  both for the Employer and the Employee here:   Check if you can claim for your employees' wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme   Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Updated – 27 March 2020 The following is Ward Williams understand ...

Updated 23 March 2020 The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) provides support for businesses to access funding if certain eligibility criteria are met. What is it? The aim of CBILS is to support the continued provision of finance to UK SMEs during the COVID-19 outbreak. This is a temporary measure, by the UK Government. The scheme is designed to provide l ...

Updated 20th March 2020 While the government has made some significant announcements we are waiting on the detail as to how we access the support. Hopefully this will change quickly in the coming days. The basis of any business planning and decisions is what are the known facts and where these are not available what reasonable assumptions can we make (usually based on past exp ...

As some people move to working from home for the foreseeable future, it may be daunting and it usually takes a while to adjust.  Ward Williams have put together some things you can do to try and adapt to the changes: Download: Top tips for working from home ...