Charity News: Independent examination

Charity News: Independent examination

The COVID-19 pandemic will have a significant impact on the independent examination of charity accounts, both on the nature of the work that will need to be performed and the practical difficulties involved. To address these issues the charity regulators have published supplementary guidance for independent examiners for the work they perform during times of national emergency.

The main areas this guidance covers are:

  • the impact of the pandemic on obtaining access to the charity’s records, particularly when social distancing measures are in place
  • access to those in management and control of the charity
  • additional risk factors the examiner will need to consider
  • implications for the examiner’s report
  • sign off and filing of accounts.

Examiners will familiarise themselves with this supplementary guidance, but will also be beneficial for small charities subject to independent examination to be aware of the issues it covers. Charities can arrange to have the necessary documentation ready to ensure that the examination process goes as smoothly as possible.


Our full Charity Newsletter can be found here.

For more information on our charity services please visit our website or contact Frank Harling on 01932 830664 or

About the author

Frank manages a portfolio of both audit and non-audit clients in a range of different sectors and industries, as well as assisting with the running of the corporate services department. He has extensive experience of providing Audit, Accounts preparation, Corporation Tax, VAT, CIS and Payroll. Frank also holds a solid experience with regards accounting and audit in a number of specialist areas, including charities, solicitors and pension schemes.

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