Charity News: Transparent and accountable governance

Charity News: Transparent and accountable governance

In June CCEW issued an alert for charities, highlighting the importance of transparent and accountable governance. The alert is aimed at larger charities, those with income over £9 million with a complex governance and management structure and where they are a service providing charity where front line staff interact with beneficiaries, some of whom may be vulnerable. Your charity may not have faced issues in how it is governed and managed historically, but the alert confirms that it is crucial that you are aware of the risks which can result from governance or management failures. The timing of the alert is in response to recent high profile governance failings that have the potential to damage the sector as a whole, at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is placing considerable strain on many charitable organisations.

The alert reminds trustees of the risks that can result from failures of governance and seeks to help them mitigate those risks by providing guidance on how to implement effective governance. Separate guidance for trustees and executives is included in the alert on risk management, communication and reporting handling complaints, amongst other topics. There is also guidance on safeguarding and guidance for charities that provide services directly to beneficiaries.


Our full Charity Newsletter can be found here.

For more information on our charity services please visit our website or contact Frank Harling on 01932 830664 or

About the author

Frank manages a portfolio of both audit and non-audit clients in a range of different sectors and industries, as well as assisting with the running of the corporate services department. He has extensive experience of providing Audit, Accounts preparation, Corporation Tax, VAT, CIS and Payroll. Frank also holds a solid experience with regards accounting and audit in a number of specialist areas, including charities, solicitors and pension schemes.

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