Charity News: Fraud and the pandemic

Fraud and the pandemic

A new helpsheet has been published by CCEW, the Fraud Advisory Panel and others that aims to highlight some of the key areas where charities may be vulnerable to fraud as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It identifies the following headline risks for 2021 to be aware of:

  • Cybercrime
  • Insider (or Staff/Volunteer) fraud
  • Procurement fraud
  • Financial statement fraud.

The helpsheet also provides a checklist to help charities build a defence to counter these fraud risk areas, and provides links to other resources that charities may find of use.


Our full Charity Newsletter can be found here.

For more information on our charity services please visit our website or contact Frank Harling on 01932 830664 or

About the author

Frank manages a portfolio of both audit and non-audit clients in a range of different sectors and industries, as well as assisting with the running of the corporate services department. He has extensive experience of providing Audit, Accounts preparation, Corporation Tax, VAT, CIS and Payroll. Frank also holds a solid experience with regards accounting and audit in a number of specialist areas, including charities, solicitors and pension schemes.

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