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Everybody should make a Will during their lifetime and more importantly review their Wills on a regular basis.
In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever that the opportunity is taken to review your circumstances and prepare a Will.
A Will puts you in control and enables you to protect the interests of your family and ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. It also avoids any future family disputes. When someone dies without leaving a Will, UK intestacy rules are the laws that apply. The intestacy rules can be viewed here.
Making a Will enables you to:
During the process of preparing your Will, you have an opportunity to review your Estate (assets and liabilities) and highlight any potential Inheritance Tax liability that may arise on your death and allow you to take advantage of available exemptions and reliefs to reduce the liability.
Ward Williams can assist you with all of the above and guide you through the process of not only preparing your Will but can review any Estate planning opportunities that may be available to you. Ward Williams can also assist you with the process of obtaining probate following a death.
As a member of the Society of Will Writers, Dipesh can assist you with putting a valid Will in place and offer specialist advice with succession planning.
If you would like to enquire about making a Will, please download our Will's Fact Finder document. Please complete and return on wills@wardwilliams.co.uk
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